Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Terrible Twos

My doctor says that I am as spry and healthy as a "two-year-old"! I have great kidney, liver, pancreas, and thyroid function, as well as a calm demeanour when under the exam.-room lights (I suffered through blood and urine samples on Monday -- now I am cleared to win the Tour de Tomato!).

This was a marked contrast from previous visits to the v-e-t, which are either under duress or just plain uncomfortable. I don't really like getting outside of the house: we have plenty of fresh air, especially when my fans are on, and I have all my toys and food at home. And the doctor said that I should eat more of my cowboy cookout! and that I can eat popsicles! Last night I tried to eat some ravioli but was not allowed to share. It looked really tasty -- I got my paws on a piece, and I think it had swiss chard. Yum.


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